Sunday, August 5, 2012


A bunch of letters I received between 1994 and 1998. My story, written in 1996. A two hundred pages book in hard blue covers I wrote in 1997. A few collars I bought in Clair’s, with pendants that would change their color, which I never put on. A pair of brown high heel shoes, which I keep in honor to nostalgia. 32 bottles of the same perfume. A few pennies that bring me good luck. A blue nail clipper with a little sun flower. A few notebooks that I filled out between 1986 and 1989. A poster I received the day of my birthday in year 2000, with a note written in Timoteo’s style, which I can hardly open. A picture I stole in High School from the billboard. A piece of a news paper of 1990 with me on it raising a trophy. An honor distinction I achieved in 1986, when I was still a tolerable demon. Three diplomas. An incurable lesion. Five scars on my face. Three calluses from fractures. A head-gear I used in 1993 in order to accelerate my orthodoxy treatment. A parchment which assures I’m a professional climber of trees of mangos, plums and some other tropical fruits. A few scraps with images of Mike Tyson knocking down his opponents. A big purple comb. Some event id’s from the ones I went to. Cassettes in a format I can’t reproduce. A bunch of wallets and perfumes in their original boxes, as they gave them to me. Scraps of canvas with the word “Mayara” on them, which were printed in 2001. An agenda with the ‘arjes’ of Thales of Miletus and Anaximenes, the theories of knowledge of Socrates and Plato, the list of the representatives of the Scholastic, and the debate between the rationalists and the empirics. A ten peso bill with the image of Antonio Nariño. A writing that says because I was born under the sign of Leo I’m a courageous man with an audacious thinking. A letter I received in April of 2003. A worn out trophy, the same one I was raising in the news paper picture. Seven identical jerseys, striped red and white, with the emblem of a famous Colombian beer.

I’m down, a little upset, somewhat nostalgic, very confused. Behind I leave a few things I never meant lo leave, I ignore if beyond I’ll find what I’m hoping for.

Juan P Díaz
(Barranquilla, 2007)
Twitter: @juanpdiazr

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